5th-Wheel Painting
This is it…after several years of talking and thinking about it I am painting the rest of the interior. Couple of month ago I scored wood flooring. Real wood boards from the house that is being renovated. Pulled floorboards, brought it home, cleaned, sorted and stacked in the garage… Before I install new floor, it makes sense to paint the walls and cabinets. This time I will be using paint sprayer I bought last winter when repainting our kitchen cabinets. It should be easy…at least that what I thought.
October 13, 2019
Removing furniture, window cover boxes, cabinet drawers, fixtures and masking took me like 3 full days.

Somehow no one who post blogs or videos talks about how much work it goes into the prep work. Spraying paint is easiest and fastest part of the entire project.

There are so many windows, corners and angles around the fifth-wheel… and they all must be masked. I don’t think I can even think about masking tape, paper and plastic sheets for a while…

October 20-21, 2019
Things need to be done, so I took my time masked everything and sprayed a first coat of primer. Walls and cabinets…all white.

Used Liquid Sandpaper for the first time ...it actually worked better than I thought, sanded the surface and cleaned at the same time...

Bye to the old, hunting cabinet looks forever. Washed the sprayer and called a day. Next day I sanded all bumps and imperfections then sprayed second coat of primer.

October 28, 2019
I sprayed first coat of cabinet paint. The challenge was to set up and paint all the cabinets drawers and doors. I never noticed how many cabinet doors there are in the fifth-wheel.

My fifth-wheel is parked at the friend’s house in the country…surrounded by corn fields, almonds and dairy's… It’s a harvest time so painting outside is out of the question. Clouds of dust and flies would stick to anything that has a fresh coat of paint. So it all has to be done inside....

The interior of the fifth-wheel is crowded, dark and covered in the wet paint. It takes some planning and patience to keep it all going. I am focusing on one task at the time and trying not to make a mess. It took me about 3 hours with a cleanup and everything.
November 1, 2019
Another short day. Some minor sanding then second coat of paint. 3 hours later I was done. Cabinets are painted – check that one of my list.

November 3, 2019
Masking, tape, paper and plastic sheets again. It seems there will be no end to this tedious task… I am sick and tired of masking. Masked all the cabinets in preparation to paint the walls. At this point the entire interior is wrapped in the plastic sheets.
Two coats of wall paint… it was the easiest task on the entire project so far. Because I started early I was able to finish in one day. The painting officially done…! Can’t wait to peal all the masking tape, plastic sheets and start installing the doors back so I have more room.

November 4, 2019
Final coat of wall paint is on... quick clean up and then back in a day or two to start putting everything back together...

November 6, 2019
After all that painting and masking its nice to peal of the sheets and see the final product for the first time....looking good so far.

So far so good. I am sticking to my schedule... now off to the floor install and making window coverings.

To Be Continued....