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I am missing my Jeep... missing the adventure and freedom that came with it... missing the dust, dirt...flat tires and busted knuckles... beer cans, spent 7.62 x 39 casings on the floor and all the other crazy shit that comes with it....

Jeep Wrangler

December 16, 2012

It all started with a typical lazy Sunday morning. I was on my way to have some breakfast when some random white pick up truck jumped red light and totaled my Camaro... And just like that, my Fast and Furious days were over.

It was a bad ass car and it will be missed...a lot...but that's a different story and a different tribute that I will have to write some other time...

January 2013

Less that a month later I received a settlement check from my insurance company and bought myself a new car: 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sport... Going from Camaro SS to Jeep Wrangler was like going from Jet Fighter to Aluminum Row Boat... But, I was happy. I remember driving home and dreaming of all the adventures that are awaiting me and all the modifications I can do to the Jeep... I was excited...

2013 Jeep Wrangler - Sport

The very next day I took it for a test ride. I don't think that Jeep was clean again...ever.

02013 Jeep Wrangler Sport

June 2013

I quickly realized that this little "cute" thing need some serious work done in order to keep up with my caprices and look the way I envisioned. Very soon I learned what the real abbreviation of JEEP stands for: JEEP - Just Empty Every Pocket... Every part for this thing had a starting price tag of $397... all the fancy stuff was priced almost as gold. So I had to drive stock for a while, saving for those upgrades I was dreaming about...

2013 Jeep Wrangler

August 2013

Don't take me wrong, I was not sitting idle. While I saved money for the upgrades... I started to explore and learn what this Jeep was made off. And very soon I started to appreciate the versatility of this vehicle. While much slower that Camaro, it was able to take me places that I wanted to go...

Somwhere in the White Mountains

I drove this thing every weekend. Exploring old and new areas...

Abbots Pass area... September

December 2013

It was like we were made for each other...

Somwhere along the US 66...

March 2014

At that time I lived in The Barn. Life was simple. I worked during the week...

The Barn

Played on the weekends...

Hunters Valley Access Road...

July 2014


Shaver Lake area...

October 2014

And vacations...

High Sierras...

April 2015

After couple of years I had a well built and tested machine. It took me everywhere I wanted to go. Weekend trail rides with friends or week long solo expeditions. We no longer needed the roads...

Sierra Nevada

I created a monster...

2013 Jeep Wrangler Sport

Or was it that Jeep created a monster in me...?

Custom Pinstriping...

I really enjoyed building this Jeep. It became a reflection of became the symbol of who I am, symbol of my free spirit...

2013 Jeep Wrangler Sport

March 2016

I am going to miss you my Friend. Hope you found a good home and continue to travel, explore and most important stay dirty...

Mojave Desert


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